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Passleader, the best IT certification company helps you climb the ladder to success. Getting Cisco Architecture Systems Engineer 500-470 IT certification is setting the pathway to the height of your career. This career-oriented credential opens up vistas of opportunities for you to many medium and large-sized organizations. Such a tremendous opportunity is just a step ahead. Try Passleader 500-470 dumps to ensure your success in exam with money back guarantee.
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The Cisco 500-470 exam, also known as the "Cisco Advanced Enterprise Networks Architecture for Account Managers" exam, is designed for account managers who sell Cisco’s enterprise network solutions. The exam tests their ability to understand and position Cisco's enterprise network solutions, including LAN, WAN, and wireless architectures, in order to meet customer business requirements.
The Cisco 500-470 exam typically contains 55 to 65 multiple-choice questions. The duration of the exam is around 75 minutes.
To pass the Cisco 500-470 exam, candidates generally need to score at least 700 out of 1000. The passing score may vary slightly depending on the exam version, as Cisco uses a scaled scoring system.
The 500-470 exam consists of multiple-choice questions, including scenario-based questions where candidates need to assess customer needs and recommend appropriate Cisco solutions. The exam may also include some drag-and-drop and other interactive question formats.
The Cisco 700-020 exam (Cisco Collaboration Architecture) is focused on Cisco’s collaboration solutions, such as unified communications and video conferencing. In contrast, the Cisco 500-470 exam is focused on enterprise network architecture, including LAN, WAN, wireless, and network automation solutions. The 700-020 exam is collaboration-specific, while the 500-470 exam is network architecture-specific.
The Cisco 500-325 exam (Cisco Sales Specialist) is focused on sales strategies and positioning a wide range of Cisco solutions. The Cisco 500-470 exam is more specialized, focusing specifically on enterprise network solutions, including LAN, WAN, and wireless solutions, and requires understanding of how these technologies meet business needs. The 500-470 exam is more technical, while the 500-325 exam is broader in scope.
The Cisco 300-420 exam (Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks) focuses on the design aspect of enterprise networks, including routing, switching, and security. The Cisco 500-470 exam, on the other hand, is focused on positioning and selling Cisco’s enterprise network solutions to customers. While the 300-420 exam is more technical and design-focused, the 500-470 exam is geared toward sales professionals.
The Cisco 500-470 certification is valid for three years. After this period, you must recertify by passing the latest version of the exam or another relevant Cisco certification exam to maintain your certification.
The Cisco 300-415 exam (Implementing Cisco SD-WAN Solutions) is focused on the implementation and configuration of SD-WAN solutions. The Cisco 500-470 exam is broader, covering enterprise network architecture, including LAN, WAN, wireless, and network automation solutions, making it more aligned with network architecture and solution sales rather than hands-on SD-WAN configuration.
To achieve high marks in the Cisco 500-470 exam, focus on the following strategies:
Posted by Audrey (
Lebanon ) on 21-Sep-2024
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