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Passleader ACE-P-ALE1.04 Arista Linux Essentials Exam
ACE-P-ALE1.04 (PDF + Testing Engine)
Last Update: 19-Feb-2025
Exam Name
Arista Linux Essentials Exam
Total Questions:   100
Price:  $45   $149.99
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Passleader Arista Arista Linux Essentials ACE-P-ALE1.04 Exam Questions

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What is the Arista ACE-P-ALE1.04 exam, and what does it assess?

The Arista ACE-P-ALE1.04 exam is focused on Arista's Advanced Logical Engineering (ALE) certification, which tests a candidate’s ability to design and implement Arista's large-scale network solutions. This exam assesses a wide range of skills including network architecture, routing and switching, and the integration of Arista's network operating system with other tools and solutions in complex environments. The goal is to evaluate proficiency in deploying scalable network designs using Arista products.

How many questions are in the Arista ACE-P-ALE1.04 exam, and what is the passing score?

The Arista ACE-P-ALE1.04 exam typically consists of approximately 60 to 70 multiple-choice questions. The passing score is typically 80%, meaning you need to correctly answer around 48-56 questions. The exam evaluates both theoretical knowledge and the practical application of Arista network solutions in large-scale environments.

What is the format of the Arista ACE-P-ALE1.04 exam?

The Arista ACE-P-ALE1.04 exam is an online, proctored multiple-choice exam. It is timed, with candidates given 90 minutes to complete the exam. The questions are a mix of theoretical concepts and practical, scenario-based questions that test your ability to design, configure, and troubleshoot complex Arista network systems.

How does the Arista ACE-P-ALE1.04 exam differ from other Arista certifications?

The Arista ACE-P-ALE1.04 exam is more focused on advanced network design and logical engineering using Arista's platform. It goes deeper into complex network architecture and integration scenarios. In contrast, other exams like the ACE-A1.2 exam are more focused on basic configurations, network troubleshooting, and foundational knowledge. The ACE-P-ALE1.04 exam is suitable for professionals with more extensive experience and those designing and deploying large-scale networks, while entry-level exams focus on operational knowledge and configuration.

What method should I use to ensure I achieve high marks in the Arista ACE-P-ALE1.04 exam?

To achieve high marks in the Arista ACE-P-ALE1.04 exam, focus on mastering the core concepts of network design and the integration of Arista’s tools and products. Engage in hands-on practice to configure and troubleshoot network setups using Arista’s EOS and CloudVision platform. Study in-depth the design principles for Layer 2 and Layer 3 networks, high availability configurations, and automation techniques. Take practice exams to simulate the test environment and focus on improving your time management during the exam. Thoroughly review the official Arista documentation and ensure you understand the practical applications of each topic covered.

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