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The ECCouncil 312-40 exam, also known as the “Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)” exam, certifies knowledge in ethical hacking and penetration testing. It validates skills in identifying and managing vulnerabilities and securing systems from cyber threats.
This certification is ideal for IT security professionals, penetration testers, network administrators, and anyone interested in ethical hacking. It’s particularly suited for those wanting to focus on proactive cybersecurity.
While both certifications focus on penetration testing, the 312-40 exam is broader, covering multiple aspects of ethical hacking, including reconnaissance, scanning, and social engineering. CompTIA PenTest+ has a stronger focus on penetration testing methodology and report generation.
The CEH certification demonstrates in-depth knowledge of cybersecurity and proactive threat mitigation, enhancing job prospects in ethical hacking and cybersecurity analysis. It’s widely recognized and can lead to higher-paying positions in security.
While there are no formal prerequisites, ECCouncil recommends candidates have at least two years of experience in information security or complete the official CEH training before taking the exam.
The CEH (312-40) covers a wide range of ethical hacking concepts suitable for beginners and intermediate professionals, while OSCP is more advanced, with a strong focus on practical, hands-on penetration testing skills. OSCP is considered more challenging and is highly technical.
Yes, the 312-40 certification provides foundational skills in ethical hacking, making it suitable for transitioning into roles such as penetration tester, cybersecurity analyst, and security consultant.
The CEH certification is valid for three years. To maintain it, certified professionals must earn continuing education credits (CECs) through ECCouncil or retake the exam.
Professionals with the CEH certification generally earn between $70,000 and $120,000 annually, depending on experience, location, and specific job role. Advanced roles in penetration testing or consulting can offer higher pay.
Organizations benefit from hiring CEH-certified professionals because they bring skills in identifying and mitigating security risks, improving the organization’s security posture. Certified ethical hackers help prevent potential breaches and enhance security defenses.