Passleader Checkpoint CCME 156-835 Exam Questions
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156-835 FAQs
What is the Checkpoint 156-835 exam, and what does it cover?
The Checkpoint 156-835 exam is designed for individuals who wish to earn the Check Point Certified Security Expert (CCSE) certification. This exam focuses on testing your knowledge and skills related to the configuration, management, and troubleshooting of Check Point security solutions. Topics include security policies, VPNs, firewall management, monitoring, and high availability, ensuring you can effectively secure and manage a network.
How does the Checkpoint 156-835 exam differ from other Check Point exams like the 156-315.80 exam?
The 156-835 exam focuses on the broader scope of Check Point Security Expert knowledge, including security policies and VPN configuration. In contrast, the 156-315.80 exam is centered on the more specific aspect of Check Point’s Threat Prevention technologies and security management features. The 156-315.80 exam requires a deeper understanding of intrusion prevention, antivirus protection, and threat intelligence, while the 156-835 exam tests your proficiency in overall security configuration and management.